Thursday, February 20, 2014

Aren't YOU Glad To Be A American??

Not everyone understands how much us Americans have to be grateful for. We all to often forget the benefits of being a American citizen and all the rights we have. I for one have fallen in this category on more then one occasion. Not everyone has the same privileges as us, so let me go on to an article that I read today. The article I came across was about the country Turkey, they have a constitutional republic system and as well have a president just as we do. Their president has limited powers, as to where their legislation has a single parliament. As with all countries there are human right problems within their country.  Just one of their human right problems had to do with their government interference with freedom of expression. They had multiple  articles that were held and were not published due to restrictions to  their freedom of press and also to the Internet as well. There were many journalists who were thrown in jail because they failed to follow antiterror laws and this had them connected to illegal organizations. Which is not true but to them they were because they weren't following their restrictions. When they reformed the judicial package there were nearly 400 books banned because they were no longer prohibited by the country. Talk about stripping them of their free will of expression right? There have been many journalists and authors whom became afraid of saying anything that would be considered criticizing their state or government. If they were to be found to be doing so this would result in civil, criminal, and investigations placed on them. There were political leaders and prime ministers that began to sue critics for falsely injuring their good reputations.  It even came to the point were their government started to harass anyone who had sympathy for certain religions, political , nationalist, and cultural viewpoints. They even began to limit their rights to freedom of assembly. Their government lacked the adequate protection to the people. This included but was not limited to; women, children, gay, and transgender individuals. There was no protection from honor killings, or children being forced into marriages. This is just a few of the rights that the Men, Women, and Children face in the country of Turkey. 

To read more please go to::

Work Cited:

The Global Road Warrior. "Turkey: Human Rights Report 2012." The Global Road Warrior. World Trade Press. Web. 20 February 2014 <>.


  1. Wow! This is the first time I am hearing this! No freedom of expression? Criminal charges? A fear to speak? It's stories like these that remind me of how great it is to be living in this country. Thank you First Amendment! We are given freedom and protection no matter who we are. Not being able to speak your mind or be able to gain knowledge and perspectives? This country must really want to preserve its history! Yeah, our freedom has limits and the people of this country will always want to have more and more freedom but if you ask me, I think we all have more than enough freedom in this country than we could ever ask! We have a voice and a government that protects its people. I am glad to be American.

  2. Right?? Isn't it crazy that us Americans truly have no idea what it is like to not have a free expression? There are so many of us who feel were are just entitled to everything and anything. Once I had read this article I was shocked as to how lucky I truly am. I never really thought much about my amendments or how I am protected to be me and express it anyway (proper of course) way I wish to do so. Well I am here on this blog free to say whatever it is I wish there are others out there who would be imprisoned or ridiculed for do such as me. It is truly amazing to be in a country where there is a right to be free!!

  3. This is such a good story. A friend of mine spent her 2012 summer in Turkey and she mentioned how things are strict to over here. In some ways, they are fun and free and very open to culture and diversity, but in politics it is a different story. We truly do take for granted what we have in the USA and the opportunity and right to say no to our politicians is a true gift, one that I exercise and use daily whether in support or opposition because I am able to speak up. It is truly interesting what happens around the world that we do not know about.
